The LOKKII fits snugly in the Cobb fire basket.
If you don't have a Cobb they can be used in a standard BBQ. LOKKII burns for up to 2 hours and provides a higher & more even cooking temperature for that perfect BBQ with virtually no smoke ash or messy clean ups. One 2 pack of LOKKII BBQ briquettes is equivalent to about 2.25 kilos of easy light traditional petroleum based charcoal briquettes. Each LOKKII briquette comes fully sealed to avoid mess and to ensure that is is always dry and ready to light.
If you don't have a Cobb they can be used in a standard BBQ. LOKKII burns for up to 2 hours and provides a higher & more even cooking temperature for that perfect BBQ with virtually no smoke ash or messy clean ups. One 2 pack of LOKKII BBQ briquettes is equivalent to about 2.25 kilos of easy light traditional petroleum based charcoal briquettes. Each LOKKII briquette comes fully sealed to avoid mess and to ensure that is is always dry and ready to light.
Q. How can LOKKII claim their product is Organic and Environmentally friendly? - LOKKII briquettes are unique. The lighting layer contains NO HARMFUL CHEMICALS, NO PETROLEUM DISTILLATES and NO NITRATES. LOKKII BBQ briquettes light from Organic based materials. The ignition layer is composed of a Patent Pending Organic formula. The briquette does not release harmful or toxic emissions that harm the atmosphere. LOKKII BBQ briquettes;have been extensively tested by International testing authorities and LOKKII can claim, "The briquette has no toxic emissions: The briquette has no known ingredients that can cause Cancer or Birth defects".
Q. How do I light the briquette? - LOKKII briquettes are clearly marked which side to light. Open the vacuum sealed briquette and place a match on the centre vent for a few seconds and the briquette will light naturally, the flame will move across the top surface of the briquette in a natural manner.
Q. How long do I have to wait until I can cook? - LOKKII briquettes reach premium cook temperature in around 12 mins. depending on the climate. If you are cooking in a very cold environment it may take a few minutes longer, if you are in a hot climate you may be ready to cook in less time.
Q. How many briquettes should I use? - The LOKKII team recommends you use 1 briquette for the Cobb, 2 briquettes for a medium size BBQ & 3 or more briquettes for a large BBQ.Q. How hot does a LOKKII briquette get? - Each briquette; reaches a temperature of approx 350F+ (Approx 11500 BTU;) equivalent to;Gas Burner gas BBQ .Cooking with 2 LOKKII briquettes is as hot as gas, but with the natural BBQ flavor. The heat seals in the juices of the meat and cooks the food to perfection.
Q. How long will the bricks stay hot? - Depending on the climatic conditions around 2 hours.
Q. What if I take the briquette on a camping trip and my backpack gets wet? - As each brick is vacuum sealed, water will not penetrate the vacuum seal. When you are ready to cook, open the vacuum seal and the LOKKII briquette is ready to light. Once you have opened the sealed pack, avoid getting the briquette wet.
Q. What should I do with the ash? - When the briquette is completely burnt, you will be left with a block of white ash. Just dispose of the ash when completely cold in a normal bin.

These are obtainable from http://www.TheBoatJumble.co.uk
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